Enjoyed this a lot. Characters in fiction (who of course I can't now bring to mind) who are described as being members of the Junior Carlton are clearly intended to be understood as Conservatives, which I hadn't really appreciated before. 'Junior' suggested to me a raffish younger-brotherish air of not behaving quite as correctly as one ought. If you'd like lists of fictional club members I could oblige. I wrote a book on Conservative / conservative writers, Conservatives Against Social Change, which is packed with clubmen.

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Thank you - I'd be very interested to hear more on clubs in fiction; feel free to drop me a line at seththevoz@gmail.com

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I've just gone on holiday for a week but I'll send you something in Sept.

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Hello there, I believe I actually work in the building which was the "Club of the Future". My desk has a nice view of the RAC across the road, but I can't say I can see any other signs of this once being a club! I've scoured the internet and found nothing, which is a shame as I am intrigued by the idea that the concept of replacing a Palladian delight with a 1960s block was inspired by my own place, the RAG. What would be lovely to see would be a brochure or guide or article about the Club of the Future....

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