London Clubland: the full bibliography
My recent Clubland Christmas reading list was well-received, outlining the books on London clubs which remain in print. Yet the sphere of books on London Clubland is vast, and most items remain out of print. That has not deterred bibliophiles from scouring second-hand book dealers, and so I’m happy to share with readers my full bibliography on London Clubland. The below represents (an attempt at) a comprehensive bibliography of books on London clubs.
The Travellers Club library. (Photo credit: Country Life.)
P = pamphlet
General club histories
Robert J. Allen, The Clubs of Augustan London (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1933)
Sam Aldred, Clubland’s Hidden Treasures (London: privately published, 2020).
Anonymous, Echoes from the Clubs: A Record of Political Topics and Social Amenities - Volume I, May-October, 1867 (London: Privately published, 1867).
________, Echoes from the Clubs: A Record of Political Topics and Social Amenities - Volume II, November 1867-April 1868 (London: Privately published, 1868).
________, Echoes from the Clubs: A Record of Political Topics and Social Amenities - Volume III, May-December 1868 (London: Privately published, 1868).
Anonymous, History and Antiquities of the Most Remarkable Clubs in London and Westminster (London: privately published, 1748).
Anonymous, A Compleat and Humorous Account of all the Remarkable Clubs and Societies in the City of London and Westminster (London: privately published, 1756).
Anonymous, Your Club (London: Whitbread, 1950).
William Aytoun, ‘Clubs and Clubbists’, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 73 (March 1853), pp. 265-77.
P. Gordon Bamber (ed.), Clubland (London: W. Speaight and Sons, 1910).
Barbara Black, A Room of His Own: A Literary-Cultural Study of Victorian Clubland (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2012).
Valérie Capdeville, L’Age d’Or des Clubs Londiniens (1730-1784) (Paris: Editions Champion, 2008).
Valérie Capdeville and Eric Francalanza (eds), La sociabilité en France et en Grande-Bretagne au Siècle des Lumières : l’émergence d’un nouveau modèle de société Tome III: Les Espaces de sociabilité (Paris: Editions Le Manuscrit, 2014).
Valérie Capdeville and Alain Kerhervé (eds), British Sociability in the Long Eighteenth Century: Challenging the Anglo-French Connection (Woodbridge: Boydell Press 2019).
Peter Clark, British Clubs and Societies, 1580-1800: The Origins of an Associational World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).
Bernard Darwin, British Clubs (London: Collins, 1943).
David Doughan and Peter Gordon, Women, Clubs and Associations in Britain (London: Routledge, 2006).
T. H. S. Escott, Club Makers and Club Members (London: T.F. Unwin, 1914).
Tom Girtin, The Abominable Clubman (London: Hutchinson, 1964).
Charles Graves, Leather Armchairs: The Chivas Regal Book of London Clubs (London: Cassell, 1963).
Arthur Griffiths, Clubs and Clubmen (London: Hutchinson, 1907).
Richard Grindal, Time Gentlemen Please: The Great Escape of a Gentleman’s Club (London: Virtual Publishing, 2000).
Jean Harley, Les Clubs de Londres (London: Plackett & Moody, 1870).
Joseph Hatton, Club-Land, London and Provincial (London: J. S. Virtue, 1890).
Abraham Hayward, ‘Clubs’, Fraser's Magazine, 73 (March 1866), pp. 342, 362-7.
Stephen Hoare, Palaces of Power: The Birth and Evolution of London's Clubland (Stroud: The History Press, 2019).
George James Ivey, The Club Directory: A General Guide or Index to the London & County Clubs, and Those of Scotland, Ireland & British Colonial Possessions, Together with the English Clubs in Europe, the United States & Elsewhere throughout the World (London: Harrison, 1879).
_____________ Clubs of the World: A General Guide or Index to the London & County Clubs, and Those of Scotland, Wales, Ireland, United Kingdom Yacht Clubs, and British Colonial Possessions, Together with the English & Other Clubs in Europe, the United States & Elsewhere throughout the World, 2nd ed. (London: Harrison, 1880).
Louis Clark Jones, The Clubs of the Georgian Rakes (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942).
Diana Kendall, Members Only: Elite Clubs and the Process of Exclusion (Lanham, Maryland: Rowland & Littlefield, 2008).
Alfred Kinnear, “London Clubs”, Munsey’s Magazine (February, 1902).
Stephen Klimczuk-Massion and Gerald Warner of Craigenmaddie, Secret Places, Hidden Sanctuaries: Uncovering Mysterious Sights, Symbols and Societies (New York: Sterling, 2009).
Anthony Lejeune, The Gentlemen’s Clubs of London (London: Macdonald and Jane’s, 1979).
___________, The Gentlemen’s Clubs of London (London: Stacey International, 2012) [heavily revised and rewritten version of the above].
Charles Marsh and Colin Mackenzie, The Clubs of London, 2 vols (London: H. Colburn, 1828).
Robin McDouall, Clubland Cooking (London: Phaidon, 1974).
Amy Milne-Smith, London Clubland: A Cultural History of Gender and Class in Late Victorian Britain (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011).
K. Mervin More, Despatches from Ladies’ Clubland (London: privately published, 1908).
Ralph Nevill, London Clubs (London: Chatto and Windus, 1912).
Charles-Louis de Noüe (with Serge Gleizes), Gentlemen’s Clubs in Europe (Paris: Editions du Palais, 2022 - trans. into English, from the original French text, Clubs & Cercles en Europe, 2020).
Anita O’Brien and Chris Miles, A Peep into Clubland: Cartoons from Private London Clubs (London: Cartoon Museum, 2009).
Anthony O’Connor, Clubland: The Wrong Side of the Right People (London: Martin Brian & O’Keefe, 1976).
David Palfreyman, London’s Pall Mall Clubs (Oxford: privately published, 2019).
Henry C. Shelley, Inns and Taverns of Old London: Setting Forth the Historical and Literary Associations of Those Ancient Hostelries, Together with an Account of the Most Notable Coffee-Houses, Clubs, and Pleasure Gardens of the British Metropolis (Boston: L. C. Page, 1866, 1908 ed.).
F. H. W. Sheppard (ed.), Survey of London: Volumes 29 & 30, St. James’s and Westminster, Parts 1 & 2 (London: HMSO, 1960).
Seth Alexander Thévoz, Club Government: How the Early Victorian World was Ruled from London Clubs (London: I. B. Tauris, 2018).
__________________, Behind Closed Doors: The Secret Life of London’s Private Members’ Clubs (London: Robinson/Little, Brown, 2022).
__________________, London Clubland: A Companion for the Curious (London: Robinson/Little, Brown, 2025).
John Timbs, Clubs and Club Life in London, with Anecdotes of its Famous Coffee Houses, Hostelries, and Taverns from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Time (London: Chatto and Windus, 1866).
Richard Usborne, Clubland Heroes: A Nostalgic Study of Some Recurrent Characters in the Romantic Fiction of Dornford Yates, John Buchan and Sapper (London: Barrie & Jenkins, 1953, rev. 1974).
Edward Ward, Secret History of Clubs, particularly the Kit-cat, Beefsteak, Virtuosos, Quacks, Knights of the Golden Fleece, Florists, Beaus, &c., with the Originals and Characters of the Most Noted Members (London: privately published, 1709).
Also in a category of their own, not as histories in their own right, but as legal textbooks which nonetheless embody a range of case history, are:
David Ashton, Paul W. Reid and Ian Snaith, Ashton & Reid on Clubs and Associations, 3rd edition (London: Bloomsbury Professional, 2020).
Kerry Barker and Henry Stephens, Club Law Manual, 2nd edition (London: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2011).
Arthur F. Leach, Club Cases: Being Considerations on the Formation, Management and Dissolution of Clubs, with Especial Reference to the Liabilities and Expulsion of Members (London: Harrison, 1879).
Philip R. Smith, Club Law and Management (London: Association of Conservative Clubs, 2008).
Philip R. Smith and Charles Littlewood, Club Law and Management: Questions and Answers (London: Association of Conservative Clubs, 2017).
Nicholas Stewart QC, Natalie Campbell and Simon Baughen, The Law of Unincorporated Associations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).
Book chapters
Valérie Capdeville, “Taste as the ultimate refinement of London club culture and sociability” in Frédéric Ogée & Peter Wagner (eds), Taste and the Senses in the Eighteenth Century (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, ‘LAPASEC’, Vol. 3, 2011), pp. 285-297.
Elizabeth F. Evans, ‘Women’s Clubs and Clubwomen: “Neutral Territory,” Feminist Heterotopia, and Failed “Diplomacy”’, in Threshold Modernism: New Public Women and the Literary Spaces of Imperial London (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019).
Henry Leach, "In London's Lesser Club-Land”, in George R. Sims (ed.), Living London, Vol. III (London: Cassell, 1902), pp. 159-65.
Robert Machray, “Club Life”, in Robert Machray, The Night Side of London (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1902), pp. 60-73.
Stephen Potter, ‘Clubmanship’, in Stephen Potter, One-Upmanship (London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952), pp. 123-128.
Erika Diane Rappaport, ‘“Resting Places for Women Wayfairers”: Feminism and the Comforts of the Public Sphere’, in Erika Diane Rappaport, Shopping for Pleasure: Women in the Making of London’s West End (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2000), pp. 74-107.
Sir Wemys Reid, ‘In London Club-Land‘, in George R. Syms (ed.), Living London, Vol. I (London: Cassell, 1902), pp. 74-80.
Barbara Rogers, ‘Very Important Men’s Clubs’, in Barbara Rogers, Men Only: An Investigation into Men’s Organisations (London: Pandora Press, 1988), pp. 165-199.
Anthony Sampson, ‘Clubs’, in Anthony Sampson, The Anatomy of Britain (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1962), pp. 66-75.
Douglas Sutherland, ‘The Gentleman and his Club’, in Douglas Sutherland, The English Gentleman (London: Book Club Associates/Debrett’s Peerage, 1978), pp. 13-19.
Peer-reviewed academic articles
Clayton Barrows and David Bachrach, ‘Private club culture in London and New York during the Victorian era’, Hospitality & Society, 12:1 (March 2022), pp. 27-47.
Valérie Capdeville, ‘Gender at Stake: the Role of Eighteenth-century London Clubs in Shaping a New Model of English Masculinity’, Culture, Society & Masculinities, 4:1 (Spring 2012), pp. 13-32.
____________, ‘Convivialité et sociabilité : le club londonien, un modèle unique en son genre?’, Revue Lumières, 21 (June 2013).
____________, ‘The Ambivalent Identity of Eighteenth-Century London Clubs as a Prelude to Victorian Clublife’, Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens, 81 (Spring 2015).
____________, ‘Noise and Sound Reconciled: How London Clubs Shaped Conversation into a Social Art’, Études Épistémè, 29 (2016).
____________, ‘“Clubability”: A Revolution in London Sociability?’, Lumen, 35 (2016), pp. 63-80.
____________, “Transferring the British Club Model to the American Colonies: Mapping Spaces and Networks of Power (1720-70)”, Révue de la Société d’Etudes Anglo-Américaines, XVII-XVIII:74 (2017).
W. Fraser Rae, ‘Political Clubs and Party Organisation’, Nineteenth Century, 3 (1878), pp. 908-32.
Marrisa Joseph, ‘Members Only: The Victorian Gentlemen’s Club as a Space for Doing Business 1843-1900’, Management & Organizational History (March 2019).
Sol Pérez Martínez, ‘Club Architecture: A Vessel of Behavior, Language and Politics’, ARQ, 92 (Santiago, Chile, abr. 2016), pp. 104-113.
Amy Milne-Smith, ‘A Flight to Domesticity? Making a Home in the Gentlemen’s Clubs of London, 1880-1914‘, Journal of British Studies, 45 (2006), pp. 796-818.
___________, ‘Club Talk: Gossip, Masculinity, and the Importance of Oral Communities in Late Nineteenth-Century London’, Gender and History, 21 (2009), pp. 86-109.
Jane Rendell, ‘The Clubs of St. James’s: Places of Public Patriarchy - Exclusivity, Domesticity and Secrecy‘, Journal of Architecture, 4 (1999), pp. 167-189.
Antonia Taddei, ‘London Clubs in the Late Nineteenth Century’, University of Oxford Discussion Papers in Economic and Social History, No. 28 (April 1999).
Seth Alexander Thévoz, “Club Government”, History Today, 63:2 (February 2013), pp. 58-9.
__________________, “The Diogenes Club: The Case for the Junior Carlton Club”, Baker Street Journal, 69:3 (Autumn 2019), pp. 6-24.
Clubland fiction
The below barely scratches the surface…
“A. Gentleman”, The Decline and Fall of Macready’s Club: A Dystopian Fable (London: ASys Publishing, 2024).
Andrew Graham, The Club (London: Macmillan, 1957).
Richard Grindal, Time, Gentlemen, Please: The Great Escape of a Gentleman’s Club (London: Virtual Publishing, 2000).
A. D. Wintle, The Club (London: Cassell, 1961).
Where does one start with P. G. Wodehouse? Most of 90+ books concerns clubs. But some of the more prominent examples include the following ‘Drones Club’ short story collections:
P. G. Wodehouse, Young Men in Spats (London: Herbert Jenkin, 1936).
___________, Eggs, Beans and Crumpets (London: Herbert Jenkin, 1940).
But much of Wodehouse’s oeuvre concerns clubs. Bertie Wooster is a member of the fictional Drones Club, as is Psmith, and Galahad Threepwood from the Blandings Castle stories, plus assorted Mulliners. The ‘Oldest Member’ stories are all told in a golf club.
Histories of individual London clubs
Army & Navy Club (1837- )
Anthony Keith Dixon, The Army & Navy Club 1837-2008 (London: Army & Navy Club, 2009).
C. W. Firebrace, The Army & Navy Club 1837-1933 (London: John Murray, 1934).
Arts Club (1864- )
Bernard Denvir, A Most Agreeable Society: A Hundred and Twenty Five Years of the Arts Club (London: Arts Club/Studio Editions, 1989).
G. A. F. Rogers, The Arts Club and its Members (London: Truslove and Hanson, 1920).
The Athenæum (1824- )
Anonymous, A Catalogue of the Library of the Athenæum (London: Athenæum Club, 1845).
Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Athenæum Sketches (Exeter: Impress Books, 2014).
Frank Richard Cowell, The Athenæum: Club and Social Life in London 1824-1974 (London: Heinemann, 1975).
Felipe Fernández-Armesto (ed.), Armchair Athenians: Essays from the Athenæum (London: Athenæum, 2001).
Victoria Glendinning and Cecil Cameron (eds), First Ladies: Reminiscences of the First Women Members of the Athenaeum (London: Athenæum, 2022).
Michael Hockney (ed.), ‘Art at the Athenaeum’ series (2011-24):
John Kenworthy-Browne, The Drawing Room (London: Athenaeum, 2011, rev. 2024).
Russell Strachan, The Picture Room (London: Athenaeum, 2012, rev. 2024).
Lucy Carter, Michael Hockney and Fiona Graham-Mackay, The Smoking Room (London: Athenaeum, 2024).
Michael Hockney and Jennie de Protani, The Garden Room (London: Athenaeum, 2024).
Joanna Norledge and Jennie de Protani, The Morning Room (London: Athenaeum, 2024).
David Morphet (ed.), Poetry at the Athenæum - an Anthology (London: Athenæum, 2019).
Jonathan Punt (ed.), Virtually Wine: Athenians at Home. April 2020-June 2023 (London: Athenæum, 2023).
Hugh Tait and Richard Walker, The Athenæum Collection (London: Athenæum, 2000).
Paul Temple (ed.), The Wit of the Athenæum, 1824-2016 (London: Athenæum, 2016).
_____________, The Spirit of the Athenæum, 1824-2018 (London: Athenæum, 2018).
_____________, The Athenian Heart, 1824-2020 (London: Athenæum, 2020).
_____________, Through Athenian Eyes, 1824-2020 (London: Athenæum, 2020).
Humphry Ward, History of the Athenæum, 1824-1925 (London: Athenæum, 1926).
Francis G. Waugh, The Athenæum and its Associations, Volume I (London: Athenæum, 1895).
___________, Members of the Athenæum Club from its Foundation (London: Athenæum, 1900).
Michael Wheeler, The Athenæum: “More Than Just Another London Club” (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020).
Author’s Club (1891- )
C. J. Schüler, Writers, Lovers, Soldiers, Spies: A History of the Author’s Club of London, 1891-2016 (London: Author’s Club, 2016).
C. J. Schüler (ed.), My Dear Mr. Rose: Letters to the Honorary Secretary of the Authors' Club, 1908-1934 (London: Author’s Club, 2023).
Beefsteak Club (1876- )
John Julius Norwich, Beefsteak Lives, 1876-1997 (London: Beefsteak Club, 2006).
John Martin Robinson, History of the Beefsteak Club (London: Beefsteak Club, 2024).
Boodle’s (1762- )
Marcus Binney and David Mann (eds), Boodle’s: Celebrating 250 Years, 1762-2012 (Marlborough: Libanus Press-Boodle’s, 2012).
Roger Fulford, Boodle's, 1762-1962: A Short History (London: Boodle's, 1962).
Stephen R. Hill, Boodle’s Apocrypha: A Story of Men and their Club in London (London: Duck Editions, 2009).
Brooks’s (1764- )
Henry S. Eeles and Earl Spencer, Brooks’s, 1764-1964 (London: Country Life, 1964).
J. Mordaunt Crook and Charles Sebag-Montefiore (eds), Brooks’s 1764-2014: The Story of a Whig Club (London: Brooks’s, 2013).
Charles Sebag-Montefiore, Charles James Fox – Brooks’s and Whiggery – The Fox Club (London: Brooks’s, 2006). P
J. F. Wegg-Prosser (ed.), Memorials of Brooks’s, from the Foundation of the Club, 1764, to the Close of the Nineteenth Century, Compiled from the Records of the Club (London: Ballantyne, 1907).
Philip Ziegler and Desmond Seward (eds), Brooks’s: A Social History (London: Constable, 1991).
Buck’s (1919- )
Henry Buckmaster, Buck’s Book: Ventures - Adventures and Misadventures (London: Grayson & Grayson, 1933).
Caledonian Club (1890- )
Jan Coughtrie, The Caledonian Club, Belgravia, London: A History of the Club and its Collection of Art and Artefacts (London: Caledonian Club, 2014).
Carlton Club (1832- )
Lord Boyd-Carpenter and Eric Koops (eds), Great Men of Our Time: Macmillan, Home and Hailsham - Carlton Lectures 1986 & 1987 / Earl of Stockton Memorial Address 1987 (London: Carlton Club Political Committee, 1987).
H. T. Cox (ed.), Carlton Club Library Catalogue (London: Carlton Club, 1901).
Michael Jolles, Jews and the Carlton Club; with Notes on Benjamin Disraeli, Henri Louis Bischoffsheim and Saul Isaac (London: Jolles Publications, 2002).
John Major, Conservatism in the 1990s: Our Common Purpose - the Fifth Carlton Lecture (London: Carlton Club Political Committee/Conservative Political Centre, 1993). P
Sir Charles Petrie, The Carlton Club (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1955).
Sir Charles Petrie and Alistair Cooke [Lord Lexden], The Carlton Club, 1832-2007 (London: Carlton Club, 2007). [heavily updated version of the above].
Barry Phelps, Power and the Party: A History of the Carlton Club, 1832-1982 (London: Macmillan, 1983)
Cavalry & Guards Club (1810- )
Val Horsler, Cavalry & Guards: A London Home (London: Third Millennium, 2009).
Chelsea Arts Club (1891- )
Tom Cross, Artists and Bohemians: 100 Years with the Chelsea Arts Club (London: Quiller, 1991).
Don Grant, Private Parts: The Secret History of the Chelsea Arts Club (London: Unicorn, 2019).
City Liberal Club (1874-1921)
Hyde Clarke (ed.), Catalogue of the Library of the City Liberal Club (London: Unwin Brothers, 1887).
City Livery Club (1874- )
Graham Redcliffe, One Hundred Not Out… The City Livery Club, 1914-2014 (London: City Livery Club, 2014).
City of London Club (1832- )
J. Owen Unwin, The City of London Club: Centenary Notes on its History and Traditions, 1832-1932 (London: City of London Club, 1932).
Civil Service Club (1953- )
Norman Seymour, The Story of 13-15 Great Scotland Yard, compiled for the Civil Service Club (London: Civil Service Club, 1992). P
Mark Quinlan, A Brief History of the Civil Service Club, Great Scotland Yard, Whitehall (London: Civil Service Club, 2020). P
The Club (1764-1969)
Leo Damrosch, The Club: Johnson, Boswell, and the Friends who Shaped an Age (New Havem: Yale University Press, 2019).
Sir Mountstuart E. Grant Duff, The Club, 1764-1905 (London: privately published, 1905).
Cobden Club (1866-1979)
C. J. L. Brock and G. H. B. Jackson, The Cobden Club (London: Cobden-Sanderson, 1939).
Colony Room Club (1948-2008)
Darren Coffield, Tales From The Colony: The Lost Bohemia of Bacon, Belcher & Board (London: Unbound, 2018).
Sophie Parkin, The Colony Room Club: A History of Bohemian Soho (London: Palmtree, 2nd ed. 2008).
Constitutional Club (1883-1979)
Anonymous, The Constitutional Club, R. W. Edis, F.S.A., Architect - Founded 1883 (London: The British Architect, 1890).
Philip G. Cambray, Club Days and Ways: The Story of the Constitutional Club, London, 1883-1962 (London: Constitutional Club, 1963).
Crockford’s (1823-1846)
A. L. Humphreys, Crockford’s; or, The Goddess of Chance in St. James’s Street, 1828-1844 (London: Hutchinson, 1953).
Henry Turner Waddy, The Devonshire Club and “Crockford’s” (London: Eveleigh Nash, 1919).
Devonshire Club (1874-1976)
Tom Clarke, The Devonshire Club (London: Devonshire Club, 1943).
Denys Forrest, Foursome in St. James’s: The Story of the East India, Devonshire, Sports and Public Schools Club (London: East India Club, 1982).
Henry Turner Waddy, The Devonshire Club and “Crockford’s” (London: Eveleigh Nash, 1919).
East India Club (1849- )
Denys Forrest, Foursome in St. James’s: The Story of the East India, Devonshire, Sports and Public Schools Club (London: East India Club, 1982).
Charlie Jacoby, The East India Club: A History (London: East India Club, 2009).
Farmers’ Club (1842- )
Charles Abel, The Farmers Club, 1842-2017: A Brief History of a Fascinating Club (London: Farmers’ Club, 2018).
Kevin Fitzgerald, Ahead of Their Time: A Short History of the Farmers’ Club, 1842-1967 (London: Heinemann, 1968).
Paul Hogben, Food at the Farmers’ Club (London: Farmers’ Club, 2019).
Flyfishers’ Club (1884- )
Anonymous, The Book of the Flyfishers’ Club, 1884-1934 (Croydon: Croydon Advertiser Printing Works, 1934).
Jack Chance and Julian Paget (eds), The Flyfishers’: An Anthology to Mark the Centenary of the Flyfishers’ Club, 1884-1984 (London: Flyfishers’ Club, 1984).
Andrew Herd, The Flyfishers: A History of the Flyfishers’ Club (London: Flyfishers’ Club/Medlar Press, 2019).
Ken Robson (ed.), Flyfishers’ Progress: An Anthology (London: Flyfishers’ Club, 2000).
Garrick Club (1831- )
C. K. Adams, A Catalogue of Pictures in the Garrick Club (London: Garrick Club, 1936).
Geoffrey Ashton, Pictures in the Garrick Club: A Catalogue of the Paintings, Drawings, Watercolours and Sculpture (London: Garrick Club, 1997 [rev. edn. 2002]).
R. H. Barham, The Garrick Club: Notes of 135 of its Former Members (London: Garrick Club, 1896).
John Baskett, Brief Lives: Biographies of Sitters and Artists in the Garrick Club Collection (London: Unicorn, 2005).
Kalman A. Burnim and Andrew Wilton, The Richard Bebb Collection in the Garrick: A Catalogue of Figures, Sculptors and Paintings (London: Unicorn, 2001).
Guy Boas, The Garrick Club, 1831-1964 (London: Garrick Club, 1948 [rev. 1964]).
Percy Fitzgerald, The Garrick Club (London: Elliot Stock, 1904).
Richard Hough, The Ace of Clubs: A History of the Garrick (London: Andre Deutsch, 1986).
Robert Low, The Lawyers (London: Garrick Club, 2011).
Brian Masters, The Actors (London: Garrick Club, 2010).
Desmond Shawe-Taylor, Dramatic Art: Theatrical Paintings from the Garrick Club (London: Dulwich Picture Gallery, 1997).
Thomas St. Vincent Wallace-Troubridge, A Guide to the Pictures in the Garrick Club (London: Garrick Club, 1951).
Robert Walters (ed.), Catalogue of the Pictures and Miniatures in the Possession of the Garrick Club (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1909). P
Geoffrey Wansell, The Garrick Club: A History (London: Unicorn, 2004).
Grillion’s (1812-2013)
“P. G. E.”, Annals of Grillion’s Club; from its Origin in 1812, to its Fiftieth Anniversary (London: Chiswick Press, 1880).
Groucho Club (1985- )
Alice Patten, The Groucho Club – 30th Anniversary (London: Preface Publishing, 2015).
Hell-Fire Club (1718-1766)
Geoffrey Ashe, The Hell-Fire Clubs: A History of Anti-Morality (Stroud: History Press, 2005 [rev. edn.]).
Louis Clark Jones, The Clubs of the Georgian Rakes (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942).
Evelyn Lord, The Hell-Fire Clubs: Sex, Satanism and Secret Societies (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008).
Hurlingham Club (1869- )
Taprell Dorling, The Hurlingham Club, 1869-1953 (London: Hurlingham Club, 1953).
Nigel Miskin, Pigeons, Polo, and Other Pastimes: A History of the Hurlingham Club (London: Hurlingham Club, 2000).
Junior United Service Club (1827-1967)
R. H. Firth, The Junior: A History of the Junior United Service Club, from its formation in 1827, to 1929 (London, Junior United Service Club, 1929).
Kit-Cat Club (1700-1817)
Ophelia Field, The Kit-Cat Club: Friends Who Imagined a Nation (New York: HarperPress, 2008).
Lansdowne Club (1935- )
Maria Perry, The House in Berkeley Square: A History of the Lansdowne Club (London: Lansdowne Club, 2003).
Little Ship Club (1926- )
Rachel Hedley and Dick Negus, Little Ship Club – The First 75 Years (London: Little Ship Club, 2001).
London Sketch Club (1898- )
Anthony Cohen, The London Sketch Club, 1898-2023: A Visual Celebration (London: London Sketch Club, 2024).
David Cuppleditch, The London Sketch Club (London: Dilke Press, 1978).
Robert Machray, “La Vie de Boheme”, in Robert Machray, The Night Side of London (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1902), pp. 199-216.
National Liberal Club (1882- )
Anonymous, The National Liberal Club (London: National Liberal Club, 1933). P
Coss Bilson (ed.), The National Liberal Club, 1882-1982 (London: National Liberal Club, 1982). P
Peter Harris, ‘A Meeting Place for Liberals‘, Journal of Liberal History, 51 (Summer 2006), pp. 18-23.
Veronica Herrington, Works of Art, National Liberal Club (London: National Liberal Club, 1997). P
Michael Meadowcroft, A Guide to the Works of Art of the National Liberal Club, London (London: National Liberal Club, 2011). P
Gerhart Raichle (ed.), National Liberal Club, London – Ausstellung Galerie im Margarethenhof der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung Königswinter-Ittenbach, 6. September-28. Oktober 1984 (Königswinter: Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, 1984). P
Robert Steven, The National Liberal Club: Politics and Persons (London: Robert Houghton, 1925).
Naval and Military Club (“In & Out” Club) (1862- )
Tim Newark, The In & Out: A History of the Naval and Military Club (London: Osprey Publishing, 2015).
New University Club (1864-1938)
John Thole, The Oxford and Cambridge Clubs in London (Henley-on-Thames: Alfred Waller-United Oxford and Cambridge University Club, 1992).
Den Norske Klub (1887- )
John Birch, Vikings in London: Den Norske Klub – 100 Years (London: Den Norske Klub, 1988).
G. Conradi, Den Norske Klub i London, 17 Mai 1887-17 Mai 1937 (London: Den Norske Klub, 1937).
Oriental Club (1824- )
Alexander F. Baillie, The Oriental Club and Hanover Square (London: Longmans, 1901).
Denys Forrest, The Oriental: Life Story of a West End Club (London: B. T. Batsford, 1968 [rev. edn. 1979]).
Ian Herbertson, Prints at the Oriental Club: A Guide to the Club’s Prints, Drawings and Watercolours (London: Oriental Club, 2024).
Hugh Riches, History of the Oriental Club (London: Oriental Club, 1998).
Richard Terry, Indian Cookery, by Richard Terry, Chef-de-Cuisine at the Oriental Club (London: F. K. Gurney, 1861).
Seth Alexander Thévoz, “The Mystery of Doctor Watson’s Club”, Sherlock Holmes Journal, 35:1 (Winter 2019), pp. 110-7.
John Walters, Paintings at the Oriental (London: Oriental Club, 2002).
Stephen Wheeler (ed.), Annals of the Oriental Club, 1824–1858 (London, The Arden Press, 1925).
Oxford and Cambridge Club (1830- )
Anonymous, Catalogue of the Library of the Oxford and Cambridge Club (London: Oxford and Cambridge Club, 1887).
________, Catalogue of the Library of the Oxford and Cambridge Club: Supplement, Containing the Additions from 1887-1908 (London: Oxford and Cambridge Club, 1909).
Francesca Herrick, A Guide to the Art Collections of the Oxford and Cambridge Club (London: Oxford and Cambridge Club, 2012).
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Playgoers’ Club (1884-1939)
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Public Schools Club (1909-1915, 1919-1972)
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Queen’s Club (1886-)
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Reform Club (1836- )
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Roehampton Club (1901- )
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Royal Air Force Club (1918- )
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Royal Automobile Club (1897- )
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Royal Ocean Racing Club (1925- )
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Royal Overseas League (1910- )
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Royal Thames Yacht Club (1775- )
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Savage Club (1857- )
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Savile Club (1868- )
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Sesquicentennial series:
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Smithfield Club (1798- )
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Soho House (1995- )
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Sports Club (1893-1938)
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Special Forces Club (1946- )
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Travellers Club (1819- )
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Union Club (1799-1949)
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United Service Club (1815-1977)
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United University Club (1821-1971)
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University Women’s Club (1886- )
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White’s (1693- )
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Working men’s clubs
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